Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Voice

The Voice is a new show on NBC about four different artists: Blake Shelton, Christina Aguleria (sp?), Cee Lo Green, and Maroon 5 frontman, Adam Levine. So far, the show has been them choosing people for their teams.  They are turned around in their chairs so they can't look at the person singing until after they choose them. Then they choose the people that they want on their team. And the four celebrities fight for each person that multiple of them want.

Anyway, so I made the show sound a little more confusing than it really is, but whatever. It's good.  I just really love listening to people sing and although I am pretty judgmental because I was a singer in the past.  But when you give me the chills, you give me the chills and I love that songs make me happy and I love shows where singing is involved.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Royal Wedding LIVE

It's 5:30 am.  I just opened my laptop because I am writing a column for the torch about the wedding and how I feel strongly about watching the wedding and even giving up sleep to watch it live.  So I figured I would blog my thoughts.

Right now, we are waiting for the families to arrive.  Kate's mother Carole and younger brother James just arrived at Westminster Abbey right after Prince Harry and groom Prince William arrived.

I'm thinking about the Kate's mother.  Imagine calling your mother and saying that you are going to be a princess...That is just so weird to me! Like I'm guessing she wasn't planning on having a daughter who would eventually be a princess!

22 minutes to go!! One of the biggest moments is seeing Kate's dress.  Most people are guessing that one of  Alexander McQueen's lead designers, Sarah Burton, made the dress, but no one is sure yet.

Camilla and Charles are on their way now.

One of the big things that everyone is wearing are head pieces or hats.  They are huge and they are the main part of the outfits.  Most people are wearing plain dresses and then extravagant hats.

THE QUEEN!! She is so stinking cute! Like the tiniest woman ever is ruling an entire country. She is adorable.

Now the flower girls.  They are adorable too.

Everything is just such a fairy tale about the day and it seems so unreal.  It's like a different world.  Everything about it is so fabulous.

10 minutes!! Can't wait to see Kate's dress!!

OHHH she looks beautiful!! Very simple, but just gorgeous.  I love her dress. Wow.  She looks so happy.  Both William and Kate can't stop smiling, so you know that they are meant to be with each other.

Okay now I have to watch the wedding, but one last thought.  The little ring bearers are freaking adorable!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Royal Wedding

When I was little, like so many other little girls, I wanted to be a princess.  But they were always this imaginary thing that wasn't real.  Once I grew up some more, I realized that princesses actually did exist and that they were just as glamourous as the imaginary princesses and their stories were definitely fairy tales.

Friday morning at 11 a.m. in London, England there will be a new princess crowned.  Her name is Kate Middleton and she is marrying Prince William, son of Prince Charles and Princess Diana.  Almost 30 years ago on the 29th of July, Diana and Charles were married in a televised wedding which had millions watching.

I have always been a fan of Diana and every time there is an exhibit or a museum that has something to do with her, my mom and I are always there. Recently my sister has joined in on the obsessed and the three of us went to an exhibit in Philadelphia with all of her clothing and personal belongings, an exhibit put together by her family.

So in honor of Diana not being able to be at her eldest son's wedding, I will be getting up at 4 am on Friday to watch E! and take in every moment of the festivities. Hopefully Kate can live up to everything that Diana was and everything that comes with her name.

raincoats and rain boots

Raincoats and rain boots.  As cute as they might be, when you bring them out of your closet that means it is unfortunately raining.  Recently, raincoats and rain boots have been a main fashion accessory on our campus due to the days and days and days of rain.  I know that I have a ton of summer clothes that would love to see the light of day, but are stuck in my closet because why would I want to wear them under my ugly raincoat and they don't even match my rain boots.

Main point: I'm sick of rain boots and rain jackets, I am sick of the rain. Wittenberg is a BEAUTIFUL campus, and even prettier when it is nice out. I guess this weekend it is supposed to be nice out too. But it is supposed to go back to raining early next week.  Just go away rain. Thanks, Savannah.

Blog about Blogs

So this blog thing has been sort of on the back burner for me because I remember that I have to do it and then don't ever get to it.  Also, I'm an awful writer, unlike some other people in this class (we have some really great writers and people who are great at blogs) who are very good at writing. When signing up for this class, I had no idea we were going to be writing blogs.  I'm awful at speaking so writing about topics is just as hard.

Anyway, I do think that it is getting to be a bigger part of the journalism world.  I know that a few journalists write about what they are writing about before they actually interview people and just sort of use blogs as a sounding board (or this is what I have heard). I like the idea, but I definitely don't read blogs.

I know in middle school I used to blog everyday about my day and I guess random stuff, I tried to find it, but can't remember my password...or the website I used. I think it was xanga or zanga or something.

Back to the blogs...I think that for this class they need to be more based on something specific instead of us just rambling and complaining. I know when we did the topics the first few weeks, it was a lot easier for me to do it because I knew there was a specific topic.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Walking on Broken Glass

Have you ever had a professor that you feel like is out to get you? Like they just don't agree with you on something and they never will? Well mine is my photography professor.  Ever since I met him last semester, I feel like every time I am around him, I am walking on glass.

I have an awful time respecting people that don't respect me and he is one of those people who I have never felt respected from, so why should I respect him? Because he has a degree?  I know that it sounds awful that I don't respect authority or my elders, but seriously, they should respect me too and if they don't, then they don't deserve my respect.

I think that we just have different styles and different approaches to photography, which I understand is completely possible because not everyone has the same style, BUT I would think that we could at least respect each other's style.  Although we may not like each other's styles, I would never let on that I didn't.  I feel like he has said it in every way other then actually saying, Savannah, I do not like your work.

I have no problem even having a different style than him, but when he starts to grade me based on his style, it makes me feel like I need to impress him with photos that I don't exactly like, but that he likes instead, which has caused me to change my style, which I am not entirely okay with.

Don't get me wrong, I have learned a lot from him about film and digital photography, I just wish that I didn't have to change in order to please my professor.

Disclaimer: He just deleted 1,200 of my photos from my memory card which is why I am so frustrated with him at this particular moment. And no, they are not all backed up on my computer.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Bad Christmas Morning

Imagine waking up to loud bangs of glass being thrown around in the room next to you, this was my saturday night.  I looked up at the clock from where I was laying on Kristin's couch and it read 5:30 a.m. The banging and glass throwing continued and laying on the couch paralyzed from fear, I had no idea what to do. 

All the sudden, a person appeared in the doorway and I started shaking.  I noticed it was a girl in the hallway, she had long blonde hair, so I figured it was one of our friends who spends a lot of time in their house.  The way she was walking was creepy though, like she was possessed, she walked into the front room and my mind was racing with ideas of what to do, should I run upstairs? should I go get Kristin or her roommate? But every time I thought to do something, I would get paralyzed and not be able to do any of those things.

Finally she came back into the room where I was sleeping and realized that I was on the couch and started staring at me while I tried to decide if I should say something to her or just go upstairs or turn the lights on or what, so I pretended to sleep, but was really actually squinting to make sure she didn't do anything crazy, or like try to touch me or hurt me or whatever.  She turned around and walked into the closet and put on Kristin's North Face jacket, then walked back into the kitchen.  Right when I couldn't see her anymore, I sprinted up the stairs and have never tripped so much in my life (if only I was wearing my Power Balance bracelet...darn).  I hit my head on the stairs, but my adrenaline was going so I kept going and finally got to Kristin's room.

I woke Kristin up telling her that her neighbor was possessed and breaking stuff downstairs and she just rolled over and told me to go to bed.  As I rolled over, I couldn't fall asleep because I was still in absolute shock of what had just happened.  (Remember at the time I thought it was their neighbor still).  Not until that moment did I realize that I was shaking because Kristin told me to "quit that." I was restless all night long and I finally decided I would just go home.  But before I went home, I told Kristin to come downstairs with me to figure out what happened in their kitchen and what the loud noises were.  We walked downstairs to all of the lights turned on, the front door and screen door wide open and we turned into the kitchen and the back door had been broken into.  Two of the glass pieces had been shattered, so that this person could unlock the back door to their house from the outside.  There was glass all over the floor.

We called our friend to make sure it wasn't just her being drunk, and it wasn't because I don't think she would do that.  When we looked further, we noticed that all of my stuff from my purse was poured out on the table and that my money was missing from it.  Kristin looked in her purse and she had $20 missing.  Then I remembered the girl putting on Kristin's North Face jacket and that was gone.

Walking downstairs was like on Christmas morning when you are so excited to see what you can find, but instead of being great presents, we were looking for things that were missing.  Looking back, I would have done things completely differently and would have turned on the lights or talked to her or called the police.

Speaking of the police...we called them that morning and when the cop asked me if I had been drinking, I wasn't thinking about the fact that I am underage and could get in trouble for saying yes, instead I was thinking about being a good person and telling the truth.  How do I get repaid for this? A threat that I might be getting a Dean's Citation.  Although at that time I did not get one, it is possible that I could, so right now I'm living on edge in fear that I might be getting one because honestly I don't even know what it is.  It just doesn't make sense to me that if you are trying to do a good thing that you could get in trouble.